In the article entitled “The risk associated with psychiatric disturbances in patients with diabetes in Indonesia (2018): a cross-sectional observational study” [1], the authors want to update the errors in the author byline, Highlights, Results, and Figure 1. The city name of the affiliation has been published improperly. The correct affiliation is as follows:
1Research Center for Public Health and Nutrition, Research Organization for Health, National Research and Innovation Agency, Bogor, Indonesia
2Research Center for Pre-Clinical and Clinical Medicine, Research Organization for Health, National Research and Innovation Agency, Bogor, Indonesia
In the Highlights section, the sentence, “All participants had high COVID-19 vaccine confidence.”, should be deleted.
In the Results section, “single individuals (cOR, 1.65)” should be changed to “single individuals (cOR, 1.66).”
Figure 1 should be changed as follows.
Figure 1.
Flow chart of data selection. Modified from Report of national community health survey 2018 [11] and Idaiani and Indrawati. BMC Public Health 2021;21:2332, according to the Creative Commons license [12].
RR, response rate; CB, census blocks; SRQ-20, 20-question self-reporting questionnaire.
- 1. Isfandari S, Roosihermiatie B, Tuminah S, et al. The risk associated with psychiatric disturbances in patients with diabetes in Indonesia (2018): a cross-sectional observational study. Osong Public Health Res Perspect 2023;14:368−78.ArticlePubMedPMCPDF
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