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Sookja Choi 1 Article
Associations of type and intensity of social participation with depression, self-rated health, and life satisfaction among community-dwelling older adults in the Republic of Korea: a nationwide cross-sectional study
Myo-Gyeong Kim, Sookja Choi
Osong Public Health Res Perspect. 2024;15(5):451-460.   Published online August 21, 2024
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Social activities are important and influential factors for healthy aging. However, limited information is available regarding the associations of the type and intensity of social participation with health and well-being. This study aimed to investigate how various types of social activities are associated with several dimensions of health outcomes. Methods: This cross-sectional study utilized data from the Seventh Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging, which included 5,526 adults aged 60 years and older. Multivariate linear regression analysis was employed to analyze the associations of social activities with depression, self-rated health, and life satisfaction. Additionally, subgroup analyses by sex and age were performed. Results: Among the participants, 73.5% reported involvement in at least 1 of the 4 types of social engagement. After adjustment for all covariates, individuals who participated in any social activity reported better self-rated health and higher life satisfaction compared to those who did not participate. However, the intensity of engagement in different social activities had varying impacts on subjective health outcomes. An increased level of participation was associated with a lower rate of depression and improved self-rated health. However, no significant differences were observed in the relationship between the intensity of participation in activities (with the exception of alumni societies or family councils) and life satisfaction. Conclusion: This study suggests that to improve their health, older adults in the Republic of Korea should not only engage in social activities but also do so actively and regularly.

PHRP : Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives